Van of Urantia

Social Activism

Van of Urantia Social Activist

Border Issues:

WATCH The US Border Patrol: "Honor First?"; Or Taking Justice Into Their Own Hands?

The seed of social activism was planted in Van at a young age. Growing up in a ghetto in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania under the tumultuous climate of the Civil Rights Movement, he was personally witness to many injustices suffered by the poor and disenfranchised due to ignorance, fear, prejudice, and greed.

At the age of 24, Van made the decision to dedicate his life to God and to serving humanity. For the next 20 years he worked as a counselor and human-rights minister through service organizations such as the Nicki Cruz Outreach, Youth with a Mission, Centrum of Hollywood and various halfway houses, including starting his own halfway house called Son Light Ministries in Tucson, Arizona. Van served as a volunteer chaplain for the Pima County Sherriff’s Department in Tucson and at the Hermosillo Federal Prison and Aqua Prieta Prison in Mexico. While in Mexico he also provided counseling, food, and clothing to the needy.

Through various outreaches of Global Community Communications Alliance, Van continues to expand in his social activism in a multitude of ways. He started the Alternative Voice, a thought-provoking periodical which addresses humanitarian issues from a spiritual perspective. He established a Global Interdependence Day on July 5th to remind us of the interconnectedness of all life and that we are truly one planetary family under the same Creator. The daily life of every member of Global Community Communications Alliance is an outworking of Van ’s social activism, as he has been instrumental in bringing together a diverse group of people of all ages from different religious, cultural, political, and economic backgrounds to live and work together in harmony and unity without uniformity.